63. BLUME - GRAN CANARIA 2025 Gran Canaria, 28.11. - 4.12.2025 International Gym Festival
63. BLUME - GRAN CANARIA 2025                                                                  Gran Canaria, 28.11. - 4.12.2025International Gym Festival

Dear JUDO friends,



BLUME GRAN CANARIA and Judo Club TAMA are pleased to cordially invite you to the XIX JUDO Matinee BLUME GRAN CANARIA 2025. The International Tournament is an excellent opportunity for the teams to combine their JUDO skills in the international environment in Gran Canaria during the 63th International Festival BLUME GRAN CANARIA 2025 and the warm temperature during the winter period.


We are pleased to give you the following information:


Program:                   Saturday   21.11.2025                    Arrival delegations
                                  18:00           Meeting all referees
& officials
                                  19:30-22:00  Weighting       

Sunday      22.11.2025 09:00           Start / Opening parade

                                  12:00           Finals

                                  13:15           Award Ceremony
                                  14:00           Groups Competition
                                                     Final Judo Party


Place:                             Sports Hall Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

                                      University Campus

                                      35012 Tafira, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain


Competitors:          Category     Men       Women          Years

                              Infantil         X               X              2003 + 2004

                              Cadete         X               X              2000, 2001 + 2002


                            Minimum level:          2003 + 2004                  green belt
2000, 2001 + 2002         blue belt


                                The delegates of the group are responsible for the valid Judo license in 2017 including the belt level, identification card and if applicable the parent authorisation.


Weight categories      Each category will be exclusively determined by the year of birth, the actual age of the competitor on the day of the championship is not relevant.


2003 + 2004            Boys         -38, -42, -46, -50, -55, -60, -66, +66 kg.

                              Girls         -36, -40, -44, -48, -52, -57, -63, +63 kg.


2000, 2001 + 2002  Men          -50, -55, -60, -66, -73, -81, -90, +90 kg.

                              Women     -40, -44, -48, -52, -57, -63, -70, +70 kg.


Judo combats for Infantiles (2003 + 2004) have a time of 3 minutes and for Cadetes (2000, 2001 + 2002) 4 minutes. If one of the categories has insufficient participants the organization is allowed to put categories together subject to mutual consolation. The competitor shall compete with blue and white judogui.


System:                    Judo rules and weight classes, 3 tatami’s for competition and 1 for training
Individual contest will be held according to following competition systems, pools or elimination (depending on the number of participants in the category). The valid reglament is from Spanish Judo Federation.


Referees:                  Each group shall bring their Judo referee on its own costs. The Judo referees have to register only with the registration form. Referee information on www.blumegrancanaria.com


Insurance:                 The own federation/club is responsible for the registered Judoka’s and are responsible for any accident and illness insurance expenses. The organization cannot be held liable, neither for any claim or refund of injury, illness or death arising from participation and travel to/from this championship. First Aid will be present.


Registration:             You can register with the registration form before September 30th 2018. Please send this to: judo@blumegrancanaria.com .




BLUME GRAN CANARIA 2025 offers additionally the Training Campus from 23th November till 2nd Dezember, 2025 in Gran Canaria. JUDO CLUB TAMA will coordinate the training sessions with the participating delegations to increase the JUDO preparation of the International Tournament.


Yours sincerely


Rodolfo Hernández Tejera


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